
The influence of SDG 16 on SDGs in general. (About SDG 16)

      It is evident that a goal as SDG 16 must be considered priority, considering the interrelatedness of SDGs and how peace can influence health, education and even economic development. The challenges to the implementation of this goal can be reduced through continuous work and commitment to one of the most relevant targets proposed by it which is 16.7 ‘ensure responsive, inclusive, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels’. Innovation to integrate the data related to indicators and a more diverse approach to measurement and collaboration, are the key methods to achieve part of Agenda 2030. The success to SDG 16 will only be possible if countries commit to building a world where peace, justice and transparent lacking corruption institutions are part of the nation’s main purpose.               The 17 SDGs. Source:

Challenges to Implementation of SDG 16 (About SDG 16)

  A further debate takes place around the challenges of SDG 16’ implementation. SDGs in general find difficulties to gather data about its indicators, but SDG 16 certain targets are misaligned with their indicators, making even harder for them to be achieved. Another challenge is the inequality of countries and actors’ capacities to collect, monitor and track the indicators that would serve as guidelines to a more effective action towards the goal. Although these problems may be great challenges to SDG 16, its complexity and limitation dwell on the agreement of the role of institutions, a factor that was not included in the MDGs and raises a lot of debate inside the countries. The fulfillment of SDG 16 is possible, but its ambitious characteristics make it a more difficult goal to pursue.                                      ...

A global moral responsibility. (About SDG 16)

  The SDG 16 which calls for justice, peace, and strong institutions was created under controversy due to its content, raising a debate around the concepts of peace, justice, and strong institutions.   However, the idea of these names has been understood as freedom from violence, rule of law, and transparent lacking corruption organizations, respectively. The goal has 12 targets and 24 related indicators. Similarly to the other SDGs, the SDG 16 recognizes the importance of a cross-cutting nature of development, where peace, security and sustainable development are deeply connected. The goal is considered to be a global moral responsibility as well, and the pursuit of its targets are influenced with the idea that ‘there can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development’. In fact, the controversy of SDG 16 creation lies on the initial opposition some countries to the inclusion of a goal that would monitor indicators of violence, which...